Capstone Research Projects

Integrating STS and STEM in Student-Led Research

Learn about Capstone Projects Advised or Co-Advised by STS Futures Lab Faculty

Opening title screen of Alex Hernandez' senior capstone presentation for the Creative Anticipatory Ethical Reasoning (CAER) App

Creative Anticipatory Ethical Reasoning (CAER) App

Alex Hernandez, 2021

Co-Advisors: Emily York and Morgan Benton

Hernandez developed an app to facilitate the Creative Anticipatory Ethical Reasoning (CAER) process developed by Emily York and Shannon Conley in the STS Futures Lab.


Title slide for capstone presentation on Fast Fashion by Emily Kullman, Emily Walton, and Kate Dempsey

Fast Fashion

Emily Kullman, Emily Walton, Kate Dempsey, 2021

Co-Advisors: Maria Papadakis and Emily York

 Kullman, Walton, and Dempsey conducted a robust analysis of fast fashion that focused primarily on several popular fibers and third-party certifications, and engaged stakeholders to identify potential interventions in consumer behavior.

Designing Autonomous Vehicles for People with Disabilities: Technology Outside the Lab Fellowship

Caneel Cravotta, Noa Abramson, Justine Sambo, Clark Quave

Co-Advisors: Chris Bachmann, Shannon Conley, Emily York

Abstract: As technology advances, fully autonomous vehicles (AVs) are becoming more of a reality, bringing with them drastic changes to society and how people will get around. Many claim that AVs will be the “solution” for people with disabilities, granting them improved mobility and independence. However, there have been few documented efforts on the part of AV creators to work with disabled communities to find their actual wants and needs. The purpose of this project is to collaborate with George Mason engineering students, working alongside people with disabilities, instead of simply assuming their needs, and designing features for AVs to make them more accessible. This was done through interviews with people with disabilities, and the design of a device called a “siren detector” meant to assist drivers who are deaf or hard of hearing.