STS Futures Lab

The STS Futures Lab is a fun and intellectually stimulating space where faculty and students imagine and critically interrogate plausible sociotechnical futures in the interest of developing robust tools for anticipatory governance and responsible innovation.




MAY 5 2022 PM 2022 2-4PM Imagining Justice and Building Bridges Across Disciplines (Faculty Community). Come to the STS Futures Lab (EnGeo 2001) to meet faculty from humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering fields interested in forging collaborations that engage questions of ethics and justice. Facilitated by Shannon Conley, CISE, Emily York, CISE, Holly Yanacek, CAL, Christine May, CSM, Cindy Klevickis, CISE, and Daisy Breneman, CAL & CFI. Fri 5/5, 2-4 PM in STS Futures Lab (EnGeo 2001). Click the link above to register!

DECEMBER 2022 Futures Labs students present research at the 4S meeting in Mexico. See the CISE press release here.

NOVEMBER 2022 Our new article is finally out! Check out “Futures Labs: a space for pedagogies of responsible innovation” in the Journal for Responsible Innovation.

NOVEMBER 2022 Thrilled to bring JMU students Alexa Houck, Jessica McMasters, Charlie Thomas, and Reggie Wilcox to Colorado School of Mines and to work with Mines colleagues and students on the CREATE/STS project.

Photograph of students and colleages at Colorado School of Mines

Some of our JMU and Mines students alongside Mines colleagues Elizabeth Reddy and Marie Stettler Kleine following a CREATE/STS workshop at Colorado School of Mines

SPRING 2022 So happy to work with our JMU collaborators Cindy Klevickis, Christine May, Daisy Breneman, and Holly Yanacek to present posters (Confere on Higher Education Pedagogies), and workshops (JMU Diversity Conference, JMU May Symposium) reflecting on our work together on the CREATE/STS project.

JULY 2021 We are thrilled to have received a National Science Foundation award for our new multi-year, multi-institutional project, “Collaborative Research and Education Architecture for Transformative Engagement With STS (CREATE/STS)” (Award 2121207). We look forward to working with colleagues at Colorado School of Mines, Michigan State University, and University of Maryland College Park.

MARCH 2021 Dr. Emily York and Dr. Shannon Conley have received funds from the Madison Trust to support our project “Collaborative Pedagogies Across the Curriculum: Imagining Justice.”

SPRING 2021 We are pleased to formally welcome Dr. Tolu Odumosu to the STS Futures Lab. Dr. Odumosu is a Visiting Professor in Integrated Science and Technology at JMU and a fellow STS-er, visiting us from University of Virginia.

FEBRUARY 2020 Check out our interview with Dr. Becca Howes-Mischel as part of our Co-Imagining Futures workshop with her on the topic of imagining feminist microbiome research.

DECEMBER  2020 Dr. Shannon Conley and Dr. Emily York are pleased that our special issue of Journal of Responsible Innovation titled “Engaging Asymmetries: Public Engagement in Contested Political Contexts” is now out.

FALL  2020 Check out our interview with Dr. Tolu Odumosu as part of our Co-Imagining Futures workshop with him on the topic of spectrum innovation.

MAY 2020 Congratulations to our graduating STS Futures Lab alumni Riley Pates, Kostas Polyzos, Cameron Bauserman, and Verenia Gouhar! Interested in the STS Futures Lab? Check out this video created by Riley Pates:






JANUARY 2020 We are thrilled to begin a new collaborative research project, “Ethical Reasoning in STEM Through Multi-Disciplinary Collaborative Teaching,” funded through the Colonial Academic Alliance Innovation/Collaboration event, and involving our JMU colleagues Dr. David McGraw, Dr. Amanda Biesecker, and Dr. Chris Bachmann, along with our colleague Dr. Kelly Joyce at Drexel Univeristy.


NOVEMBER 2019 We are excited to host a 2-day NSF-funded workshop on STS as a Critical Pedagogy at JMU July 30-31, 2020. Click here for the CFP.


SEPTEMBER 2019 Success at 4S New Orleans! We are very proud of our Futures Lab students, who gave amazing presentations and received lots of kudos at 4S. We also had wonderful attendance at our “STS as Critical Pedagogy” panel, and met lots of STS people interested in STS pedagogies.

The STS Futures Lab at 4S New Orleans


SEPTEMBER 2019 The STS Futures Lab is at 4S New Orleans. We have set up our Innovating STS exhibit, and undergraduate Futures Lab members Riley Pates, Dorothy Caserta, Raven Brubach, Sam Kodua, Sydney VanNostrand, and Meghan Jennings are here to present their independent research.

4S opening reception

AUGUST 2019 Dr. Emily York and Dr. Shannon N. Conley are awarded a grant by the National Science Foundation (award 1921545) to host a workshop on “STS as a Critical Pedagogy” in August 2020.

JULY 2019 Dr. Emily York, Dr. Shannon N. Conley, and Futures Lab undergrads Nolan Harrington and Sam Kodua co-present research at the Studies of Expertise and Experience (SEESHOP) workshop in Helsinki, Finland.

JUNE 2019 Dr. Emily York presents “Le Guin in STEM Pedagogies: Bridging Science and Literature to Engage Undergraduate STEM Students in Critically Interrogating Plausible Futures” at the Legacies of Ursula K. Le Guin conference in Paris.

APRIL 2019 The STS Futures Lab celebrates a new peer reviewed publication, collaboratively written by all members of the lab! Emily York, Shannon N. Conley, Anne Henriksen, Dorothy Caserta, Noah Etka, Nolan Harrington, Meghan Jennings, Samuel Kodua, Riley Pates, Zachary Sevinson, Elizabeth Terry, Karla Vargas. “Co-Imagining the Futures of Implementation Precision Medicine Using Scenario Analysis and Design Fiction.” OMICS: A Journal Of Integrative Biology. 2019 (in press)

APRIL 2019 Congratulations to STS Futures Lab members whose abstracts were accepted to 4S 2019 in New Orleans: Dorothy Caserta, Nolan Harrington, Meghan Jennings, Sam Kodua, and Riley Pates, and honorary member Raven Brubach.

FEBRUARY 2019 The STS Futures Lab launches its Co-Imagining Futures research project, developing and assessing tools for critical participation and the cultivation of multidisciplinary knowledge production and interactional expertise.





JANUARY 2019 The STS Futures Lab is featured in the January 2019 Circe Magazine: STEAM Edition. Congratulations to the lab, and to co-writers Dr. Conley, Dr. York, and lab member Sam Kodua.

DECEMBER 2018 Congratulations to STS Futures Lab Member and ISAT undergrad Riley Pates on having her proposal accepted to the Knowledge, Technology, and Society Conference in Barcelona! She will present on her research on the role of technology in human trafficking.

NOVEMBER 2018 Drs. Emily York and Shannon Conley have their Research Session proposal “Teaching Responsible Innovation Through Scenario Analysis and Design Fiction” accepted to the 2019 Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy at Virginia Tech.

OCTOBER 2018 Dr. Emily York and Dr. Ahmad Salman co-present “Integrating Ethics Into Holistic Problem Solving” at the Society for Ethics Across the Curriculum meeting in Rochester, New York.

OCTOBER 2018 Drs. Shannon Conley and Emily York and lab member Sam Kodua go for a Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality tour with Dr. Eric Stauffer at Rose Library.


Checking out the virtual reality technologies at JMU’s Rose Library with Dr. Eric Stauffer. From left to right: Eric Stauffer, Emily York, Shannon Conley, Sam Kodua. Photo Credit:


FALL 2018 Drs. Shannon Conley and Emily York offer the first ISAT 480 STS Futures I course as part of the STS Futures Lab. If you are an undergraduate student interested in participating in the STS Futures Lab, please contact us using the contact form below.

AUGUST 2018 Congratulations to ISAT alumnus and founding STS Futures Lab member Chase Collins on his new job as a Government contractor at Innovative Reasoning, working at Marine Corps Base Quantico for TECOM and the Future Learning Group.

Dr. Shannon Conley leads an international workshop on “Studies of Expertise and Experience” in Cardiff, Wales.

What We Do

We cross disciplinary boundaries to effectively integrate social sciences, humanities, and STEM fields, to facilitate the communication and collaboration that can enable collective visioning of future worlds.


Our research projects engage the social, ethical, and political dimensions of emerging technologies, as well as critical pedagogies for engaging STEM students in the social contexts of science and technology.

Icon Attribution


We strive to create engaging hands-on Science and Technology Studies (STS) curricula that engage applied science and engineering students in thoughtful analysis of the social, political, and ethical dimensions of science and technology.


Emily York & Shannon N. Conley. “Creative Anticipatory Ethical Reasoning with Scenario Analysis and Design Fiction.” Sci Eng Ethics (2020).
                                                  Shannon N. Conley. “An Age of Frankenstein: Monstrous Motifs, Imaginative Capacities, and Assisted Reproductive Technologies.” Science Fiction Studies 45, no. 2 (2018): 244-59. doi:10.5621/sciefictstud.45.2.0244.

Emily York. “Doing STS in STEM Spaces: Experiments in Critical Participation.” Engineering Studies (2018): 1–19. Web.

This site is still under construction. Please check back for links to these resources.
JMU Resources
Connect to JMU resources that may support or facilitate anticipatory governance.
External Resources
Find resources outside of JMU that may be useful for anticipatory governance.
Scenario Analysis Tools
Learn more about scenario analysis as a research and teaching tool.
Design Fiction Tools
Learn more about design fiction as a tool for research and pedagogy.
Communication in Inter- and Trans-disciplinary Contexts
Resources for thinking about communication in inter- and trans-disciplinary contexts.
Critical Participation and Engaged STS
Resources for thinking about what critical participation and engaged STS can mean for research and pedagogy.

Contact Us

We would love to hear from you. Please fill out the form, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

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