Spades Were on Fire Against Fuegos – Week 8 Game Note #2

11/2/2017 Keely Bennett Director of Communications Twitter: KeelyBennett_ Game Recaps The Las Vegas Spades beat the Fresno Fuegos 157.78 to 131.24, which brings their season record up to 7-1-0. Wide receiver, DeAndre Hopkins racked up 224 yards and was Continue reading Spades Were on Fire Against Fuegos – Week 8 Game Note #2

Las Vegas Luck Host Largest Thanksgiving Dinner and Canned Food Drive

The Luck Serve the Less Fortunate who are Unable to Provide for Themselves Nov 17, 2015 – The Las Vegas Luck will be teaming up with the Salvation Army for two very important community events. On Wednesday, November 25th, the Continue reading Las Vegas Luck Host Largest Thanksgiving Dinner and Canned Food Drive