Louisville Lions Continue their Winning Streak After a Close Game Against the Austin Rockets, Game Note #1

10/3/18 Alyssa Lubischer, Director of Communications Email: lubiscas@dukes.jmu.edu Twitter: @alyssalubischer Game Recap The Louisville Lions had their third straight win this week against the Austin Rockets Monday night, moving them to ninth place while the Louisville Lions remain at fourth. Continue reading Louisville Lions Continue their Winning Streak After a Close Game Against the Austin Rockets, Game Note #1

Virginia Beach Sharks Suffer 3rd Loss in a Row in Week 5 (Game Note 4)

October 13, 2016 Sarah Winn Associate Director of Communications winn@vbsharks.com Week 5 Recap The Virginia Beach Sharks suffered their third loss in a row after the Honolulu Megalodons safely sealed the win 137.58-104.42, pushing the Sharks down 3 rankings to Continue reading Virginia Beach Sharks Suffer 3rd Loss in a Row in Week 5 (Game Note 4)