Category Archives: Featured
AO1 Foundation to partner with Brooklyn Drivers for Drive Forward Campaign
BROOKLYN, NY – Brooklyn Drivers quarterback and founder of the AO1 Foundation Carson Wentz announced yesterday that he’s willing to help the team’s Drive Forward Campaign. The first step towards the goal is going to be his second annual softball Continue reading AO1 Foundation to partner with Brooklyn Drivers for Drive Forward Campaign
Rebuilding Our Community Memphis!
NEWS RELEASE December 4, 2018 Contact Information: Jordan Richardson Communications Director FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Phone: 540/234/5678 Email: Memphis, TN – The Memphis Suns will be releasing a city-wide campaign in the Continue reading Rebuilding Our Community Memphis!
Honolulu Values, Fostering a Positive Community Around Honolulu
NEWS RELEASE Dec. 3rd, 2018 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Information: Shemar Preston-Legans Phone: 540-345-2645 Email: Honolulu, HI – To improve communication between the community and the team about violent crimes in Honolulu, Hawaii, the Honolulu Hammerheads will initiate “Hammerhead Continue reading Honolulu Values, Fostering a Positive Community Around Honolulu
Octopi for Orlando, Come Out to Support Your Community
ORLANDO, Fla – In the wake of Hurricane Woo, the Orlando Octopi organization, players, and coaches will host a philanthropic event titled “Octopi for Our Community” on Saturday, November 27th, 2019. The event will take place inside the Ocean Stadium Continue reading Octopi for Orlando, Come Out to Support Your Community
Goldenrods plan Police Appreciation for next season
OMAHA, NE – The Omaha Goldenrods will be holding a Police Appreciation Night on Sunday, Oct. 3, 2019. The event will be apart of Omaha’s Live. Act. And Stay Golden campaign. The Police Appreciation Night is intended to lower the Continue reading Goldenrods plan Police Appreciation for next season
Lions Host “No Penalty” Gun Drop-off in Association with Louisville Police Department
Gordon Lucy Strategic Communications Director LOUISVILLE, Ky. – The Louisville Lions are joining forces with the Louisville Police Department to get illegal handguns off the street by allowing citizens to turn in firearms without repercussions Continue reading Lions Host “No Penalty” Gun Drop-off in Association with Louisville Police Department
Brooklyn Drivers Announce “Drive Forward” Campaign To Tackle Poverty In Brooklyn
BROOKLYN, NY – The Brooklyn Drivers announced the “Drive Forward” campaign in a press conference at Brooklyn Stadium. The campaign looks to promote and fund small businesses in Brooklyn in order to combat the high poverty level in the area. Continue reading Brooklyn Drivers Announce “Drive Forward” Campaign To Tackle Poverty In Brooklyn
News Release Dec. 9, 2018 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE HUMAHUMANUKANUKAAPUAA ANNOUCE STORYBOOK FOR MASCOT, REEFY HONOLULU – The Honolulu Humahumanukanukapauaa have announced the future release of Reefy Gives Back, a storybook detailing the mascot’s journey through Continue reading HUMAHUMANUKANUKAAPUAA ANNOUNCE STORYBOOK FOR MASCOT, REEFY
The Austin Atmosphere Partner with Local Nonprofits for Special Event
NEWS RELEASE Dec. 12, 2018 Contact Information: Christian Heist FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Phone: 609-442-6053 Email: AUSTIN, Texas – The Austin Atmosphere will hold a special event with nonprofit organizations Continue reading The Austin Atmosphere Partner with Local Nonprofits for Special Event