Orlando Octopi Will Learn How To Swim Back from 2-1 Record, Game Note #1

9/24/2018 Paige Corry, Senior Director of Athletic Communications Email:corrypm@dukes.jmu.edu Twitter: paigecorry   Game Recaps The Orlando Octopi now holds the record of 1-2 placing them currently at 10th in the league. Deshaun Watson as starting quarterback this week had a Continue reading Orlando Octopi Will Learn How To Swim Back from 2-1 Record, Game Note #1

Brooklyn Drivers Stay Strong Until the End, Week 3, Game Note #1

9/21/18 Kristina Shuey Director of Communications Email: shueykristina97@gmail.com Twitter: @Kristina97 Game Recap The Brooklyn Drivers lost to the Honolulu Hammerheads 103.96 to 148.36. Despite the 44.40-point loss, the Drivers stayed determined. The first notable move was made by the Drivers’ Continue reading Brooklyn Drivers Stay Strong Until the End, Week 3, Game Note #1

The Austin Rockets Almost had the Lions by the Tail, Despite the Loss, There were Outstanding Performances by Many Players, Game Note #1

10/3/18 By Paige Dunigan Email: dunigapc@dukes.jmu.edu Game Recaps The Austin Rockets almost had the Louisville Lions this week, who were only leading by 2 points. The Rockets remain in the upper half of the standings in 5thplace. The final score Continue reading The Austin Rockets Almost had the Lions by the Tail, Despite the Loss, There were Outstanding Performances by Many Players, Game Note #1

Drivers Come Up Short Against Rockets, Despite Individual Successes (Game Note #2)

10/3/18 By Zach Benson Email: bensonzd@dukes.jmu.edu Game Recap Drivers Come Up Short Against Rockets, Despite Individual Successes The Brooklyn Drivers were edged out this weekend by the Austin Rockets, with a score of 153.16 to 139.62. Drivers Quarterback Carson Wentz Continue reading Drivers Come Up Short Against Rockets, Despite Individual Successes (Game Note #2)

Louisville Lions Continue their Winning Streak After a Close Game Against the Austin Rockets, Game Note #1

10/3/18 Alyssa Lubischer, Director of Communications Email: lubiscas@dukes.jmu.edu Twitter: @alyssalubischer Game Recap The Louisville Lions had their third straight win this week against the Austin Rockets Monday night, moving them to ninth place while the Louisville Lions remain at fourth. Continue reading Louisville Lions Continue their Winning Streak After a Close Game Against the Austin Rockets, Game Note #1