Week 7: Salt Lake City River Otters come out on top


OCTOBER 26, 2021


Gemma Weinstien, Public Relations Coordinator


SALT LAKE CITY- The Salt Lake City River Otters gained their second victory of the season against the Sacramento Salamanders.

In his second game with the team head coach, Mike Ditka, was able to produce results for the team gaining 112.98 points compared to the Salamanders 67. The team was led by quarter back Ryan Tannehill and running back John Taylor. Ryan Tannehill scored a record high for the rushing 265 yards. He also received the most points this game with 37.20 points. John Taylor received the second highest points, coming in second to Tannehill.

The Salamanders were not able to gain as much traction, getting 67 points for the game in total. Quarter back Matthew Stafford gained 35.20 points but did not receive any rushing yards. Running back James Robinson was only able to gain 4.90 with 22 rush yards. This lead to the Salmanders ultimate loss. 

In his post game interview, Ryan Tannehill, talked about the team’s victory

“It was very exciting to see the win we pulled off this week. We had a hard week in practice, a lot of conditioning and changing plays, but it all paid offf. Hopefully we continue to see this trend so we can come out on top”.

The win brings the Salt Lake City record to 2-4 on the season.

Next week, the team will verse the Salt Lake City Cougars.

About Salt Lake City Otters

The Salt Lake City Otters is based and operated in Salt Lake City, Utah. The team is a part of SCOM Football league and all home games are played at Rice Accles Stadium which holds up to 45,807 individuals in attendance. The River Otter mascot represents the population of River Otters that inhabit Utah.


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