Portland Predators host Special Speaker Series event

1568 Predator Rd, Portland OR 60891 540-555-6761 NEWS RELEASE December 3, 2018 Continue reading Portland Predators host Special Speaker Series event
1568 Predator Rd, Portland OR 60891 540-555-6761 NEWS RELEASE December 3, 2018 Continue reading Portland Predators host Special Speaker Series event
NEWS RELEASE Dec. 3rd, 2018 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Information: Shemar Preston-Legans Phone: 540-345-2645 Email: prestosd@dukes.jmu.edu Honolulu, HI – To improve communication between the community and the team about violent crimes in Honolulu, Hawaii, the Honolulu Hammerheads will initiate “Hammerhead Continue reading Honolulu Values, Fostering a Positive Community Around Honolulu
San Diego – The San Diego Jackrabbits recently announced that they plan to partner with Marshawn Lynch’s foundation “Phones for the Homeless” which is supported by his own phone company, Beast Mobile, and partnered with Fam1st Family First to distribute 3,000 Continue reading Jackrabbits & Marshawn Lynch Partner to Tackle Homelessness
NEWS RELEASE June 15, 2019 Continue reading Memphis, It’s Time to #RiseAndShine
ORLANDO, Fla – In the wake of Hurricane Woo, the Orlando Octopi organization, players, and coaches will host a philanthropic event titled “Octopi for Our Community” on Saturday, November 27th, 2019. The event will take place inside the Ocean Stadium Continue reading Octopi for Orlando, Come Out to Support Your Community
Contact: Bethany Penn Director of Communications 240-205-4310 bpenn@orlandosharks.com ORLANDO, Fla. – The Orlando Sharks Association is hosting the first annual “Orlando Sharks Day” July 25, 2019. The event will take place in the Sharks’ home field of Camping World Stadium Continue reading “Orlando Sharks Day” Will Be Swimming With Hype for the Next Season
Contact Information: Riley Stapleton Phone: 123-456-7890 Email: staplerd@dukes.jmu.edu FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE LOUIS, M.O. – Starting October 25, 2019 the Archer’s will launch their campaign Tackle Poverty, Make a Difference, for community of St. Louis. The Continue reading Archers Tackling Poverty, and Making a Difference
OMAHA, NE – The Omaha Goldenrods will be holding a Police Appreciation Night on Sunday, Oct. 3, 2019. The event will be apart of Omaha’s Live. Act. And Stay Golden campaign. The Police Appreciation Night is intended to lower the Continue reading Goldenrods plan Police Appreciation for next season
BROOKLYN, NY—In recent press conference, The Brooklyn Drivers announced that they will start the “Drive Forward” campaign at the start of the 2019 NFL season. This campaign seeks to address the economic difficulties that Brooklyn has been facing, focusing on Continue reading Brooklyn Drivers Help Drive Brooklyn Forward With New Campaign
NEWS RELEASE December 13, 2018 Contact Information: Riley Harvey, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Communications Director Continue reading Austin Atmosphere Fights the Flood