Austin Atmosphere Defeat Orlando Sharks, Team Advances to Sixth In Division – Game Note #1

10/4/18 Kaitlin Kotwicki, Director of Communications Email: Twitter: @kotwickm Game Recap Austin vs. Orlando, 9.25.18 Austin Atmosphere held out strong during their game against the Orlando Sharks over the weekend, winning with 134.78 points compared to the Bees’ 112.18. Austin QB Continue reading Austin Atmosphere Defeat Orlando Sharks, Team Advances to Sixth In Division – Game Note #1

Orlando Octopi Will Learn How To Swim Back from 2-1 Record, Game Note #1

9/24/2018 Paige Corry, Senior Director of Athletic Communications Twitter: paigecorry   Game Recaps The Orlando Octopi now holds the record of 1-2 placing them currently at 10th in the league. Deshaun Watson as starting quarterback this week had a Continue reading Orlando Octopi Will Learn How To Swim Back from 2-1 Record, Game Note #1