“Rocky” road for the The Honolulu Rocks against Madison Moose: Week 6 Game Note 2

Oct. 19th 2017 Samantha Bravo Creative Manager & Consultant bravosn@dukes.jmu.edu @SamanthaaBravoo   Game Recaps vs. the Madison Moose The Honolulu Rocks get hit once again with another minor set back when competing against the Madison Moose. A minor set back Continue reading “Rocky” road for the The Honolulu Rocks against Madison Moose: Week 6 Game Note 2

Madison Moose steal their second win of the season: Week 6 Game Note 2

Rachel Kearney Public Relations Specialist, Madison Moose Contact: kearnern@dukes.jmu.edu Twitter: @rachel_kearney4 Game Recap The Madison Moose secured their second win of the season this past week defeating the Honolulu Rocks with a final score of 129.18 – 115.20. The Moose’s Continue reading Madison Moose steal their second win of the season: Week 6 Game Note 2