The Spades Sweep Honey Badgers for a 2-0 Record – Week #2 Game Note #1

9/20/2017 Keely Bennett – Executive Communication Manager Twitter: KeelyBennett_ Game Recaps The Las Vegas Spades squeaked by with a victory over the Honolulu Honey Badgers in a 154.16 – 152.82 win. The players were pretty evenly matched, besides the Continue reading The Spades Sweep Honey Badgers for a 2-0 Record – Week #2 Game Note #1

Chickadee’s continue slow start but hopeful for the future – Week #2, Game Notes #1

Contact information: Jenny Amirante- Director of Public Relations Twitter: @jennyamirante Email:   Game Recaps The Chattanooga Chickadee’s continue to make a slow start in the season suffering a close loss of 9 points in Sunday’s week two game. The Chick’s wide Continue reading Chickadee’s continue slow start but hopeful for the future – Week #2, Game Notes #1