Megalodons Are Extinct, Monsters Are Everywhere (Week 8, Note 6)

11/1/2016: Emma Woodson; Director of Communications @ehwoodson8

Game Recap

It seems as though the Memphis Monsters are doing something right these days. After a long few weeks of consecutive losses the Monsters have secured their 2nd win a row, crushing the Honolulu Megalodons into complete extinction this past week with a win of 152.10 to 135.12. The Megalodons did what they could to keep the score close, even gaining the point lead nearly all of Sunday, only to lose it when Monster’s RB Melvin Gordon rushed a total of 111 yards, securing the win. Memphis Quarterback Kirk Cousins did his part to carry the team to success this week with 38 connecting passes and 2 touchdowns. All in all, the Monsters seem to be getting stronger and stronger.

Matchup Preview (Memphis vs. Oklahoma City)

  • Memphis Monsters are looking to continue their newfound winning streak with a projected 8.42 lead against Oklahoma City Orioles
  • Monster’s leading team player and quarterback Kirk Cousins will be benched for a bye week, possibly leading to the close point projection
  • Oriole’s running back T. Rawls is currently benched with a fibula injury
  • Oriole’s wide receiver Julio Jones had recently injured his knee but seems to be ready to play hard on the field this upcoming game
  • Memphis Monsters are projected to lead in every position except for Q/R/W/T and QB, possibly once again due to Cousin’s bye week

Memphis Monsters’ Season Notes

  • Running back Matt Forte is officially fine and playing as hard as ever since his two injuries a few weeks ago
  • Memphis’ recent additions are clearly doing great things for team, making wins possibly and the injury count nonexistent
  • Memphis police are currently looking for 3 missing children.
  • Memphis is rolling out a campaign to lower the amount of calls to 911, increase the calls to non-emergency services 211 and 311, and lower the amount of time it takes for phone operators to answer a 911 phone call.
  • Shelby County has officially rejected the ordinance that would have decriminalized small amounts of marijuana.