Megladons swim past Orioles to record breaking win. Week 3 Game Note 2

Max Barefoot, Assistant Director of Communications,, @mfoot320     Game Recap The Honolulu Megladons blew by the Oklahoma City Orioles by a lopsided score of 147.52 to 74.78. The 72.74-point margin is the highest recorded in the league this Continue reading Megladons swim past Orioles to record breaking win. Week 3 Game Note 2

Armadillos Armor isn’t Strong Enough to Defeat the Salamanders (Week 3, Game Note 2)

September 29, 2016 Kayla McMahon VP, Communications Other Dates to Note The Austin Armadillos will be traveling to Graham Elementary School on Friday, September 30, as part of the team’s Fit for Kids program. The Fit for Kids program Continue reading Armadillos Armor isn’t Strong Enough to Defeat the Salamanders (Week 3, Game Note 2)