Virginia Beach Sharks Game Notes Week 6


The Virginia Beach Sharks have taken over sole possession of first place in the league while boasting the best offense in the league, and look to continue their success into the later part of the season.

Brandon Marshall has emerged as a to 10 wide receiver in the league, with over 500 receiving yards and 4 touchdowns.

Tony Romo, our starting quarterback, is primed to come back within the next few weeks from his collarbone injury.

Devonta Freeman has emerged as the NFL’s top running back over the first 6 weeks of the season. He has put up over 800 total yards and 10 touchdowns.

Carson Palmer has flourished into a top 6 quarterback, with over 1700 yards and 14 touchdowns.

Lamar Miller had his first 100 yard game and touchdown of the season last week, and looks to continue his success going forward in the season.


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