Los Angeles Rams Fall Short Against Rival Los Vegas Scorpions


LOS ANGELES (Dec. 2, 2014) – The Los Angeles Rams suffered a tough loss this week against the Los Vegas Scorpions with a final score of 64.86-81.10. The loss against their rival pushed the Rams back from fourth to fifth place standing in the league.

Two of the Rams players produced season low points this week. Quarterback Peyton Manning contributed 11.56 points, which is significantly lower than his season average of 39.77 points per week.

“I felt good during the first quarter of the game, but then I started struggling to make connections on the field, ” said Manning. He continued by saying, “It’s hard to score points when we’re not making those connections. Unfortunately, that cost us the win.”

Running back Andre Ellington also struggled this week. He managed to earn only 1.20 points, and also suffered a hip injury. Although the injury is not thought to be serious, it has not been decided whether Ellington will play in next week’s game or not. “I don’t want to hurt myself any more than I already am. I want to be on the field next week with my team, but I need to see how my hip feels when the time comes,” said Ellington.

The fifth place Los Angeles Rams face Slept At Holiday Inn this upcoming week. Slept At Holiday Inn has lost the past ten consecutive games.

The Los Angeles Rams is a football organization within the National Football League. Formed in 2013, the LA Rams strive to create a positive environment for fans, players, and opponents on and off the field while ensuring the integrity of the game.

For more information, visit www.larams.com.
