Las Vegas Scorpions’ Losing Streak Comes to an End

LAS VEGAS (Dec. 2, 2014)– The Las Vegas Scorpions defeated The Los Angeles Rams in the week 13 game in Las Vegas, Nevada 81.10 to 64.86. With this win in the books, the Scorpions have moved up to fourth place in the SCOM Fantasy Classic League.

Scorpions’ running back, Rashad Jennings, carried his team to victory, scoring 21.40 points. Jennings suffered an ankle injury late in the game, yet is expected to make a quick recovery and return in next week’s game.

Although tight end Julius Thomas came out with no points, quarterback Tom Brady aided in Scorpion victory by scoring 26.70 points. Scorpions’ General Manager, Halley Burnell could not be more pleased with his team. “The unity and skill of this team continues to amaze me. Their ability to come back from a few tough games has made me prouder than ever,” mentioned Burnell.

The Scorpions hope to continue their success in Week 14 as they take on the seventh rank, the Daytona Dingleberries (6-7, 1, 516.88).

The Las Vegas Scorpions are a professional organization in the National Football League committed to a high level of excellence. The Scorpions embody the values of sportsmanship and accountability for their actions on and off the field. Integrity and community outreach are of the upmost importance to the organization.

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