Porkers Consider Trade Offer after Suffering their Second Consecutive Loss

MEMPHIS, Tenn. – The Memphis Porkers stretched their losing streak to two on Sunday after suffering a 93.60-67.46 setback to Team Awesome (5-2), dropping their record to 3-4 overall. Quarterback Tom Brady led the Porkers with 18.36 total points, throwing Continue reading Porkers Consider Trade Offer after Suffering their Second Consecutive Loss

Bulldogs Resign Freeman Just In Time

HARRISONBURG, VA – October 21, 2012. The Birmingham Bulldogs of the IFFY league recently resigned Buccaneer Quarterback Josh Freeman. The Bulldogs drafted Freeman, but released him after weeks of poor performance. In the past two weeks Freeman has been playing Continue reading Bulldogs Resign Freeman Just In Time

Sinners Gain Another Victory while Starters on Bye Weeks

LAS VEGAS, Oct. 22, 2012 – The Las Vegas Sinners had three starting players benched due to bye weeks. The Sinners picked up Donald Jones, a wide receiver from the Buffalo Bills, and Phil Dawson, kicker for the Cleveland Browns, Continue reading Sinners Gain Another Victory while Starters on Bye Weeks

Portland’s Losing Streak Reaches Five Games

PORTLAND,ORE.-After the Portland Pirates began the season with a 2-0 record, they have lost five straight games. Due to untimely injuries, poor management and under performing play, the Portland Pirates have not been able to rack up enough points to Continue reading Portland’s Losing Streak Reaches Five Games