
Immigration From El Salvador

    Date: 3/22/19 Interviewer: Nick Murphy Interviewee:  Maria D. Murphy Interview process: I strategically prepared to do an interview over the phone by setting a date and time. I did the interview over the…

Immigration from Syria

Interviewing Process: While interviewing my mother the process was very easy to execute and made sure to follow my questions, I wanted to present to her. She was able to speak about her immigration process…

Japan to the US

Interview Process The interview was conducted in person at my parents’ home in Springfield,VA. I asked my mother, Yukie, about 2 weeks in advance if she would do the interview, and she gladly accepted. The…

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Philippines to the US

JR: I’m Josh Raymundo and i am interviewing my friend Adrienne who will be the first part of my interview, and Adrienne what’s your last name?. AL: Lumain JR: And you’re the daughter of? AL:…

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Morocco to America

This interview was conducted over the phone with both parties seated indoors. An android app recorded the conversation. Abdul Aziz grew up in Morocco being the middle child of 11 children. He came to America in…

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