Madagascar blog Day 1- After 30 hours of traveling and no sleep it’s safe to say I’m tired and delirious. Yet, because I’m so tired it almost makes me appreciate…
Elaine Guevara gave a lecture on primate systematics. We learned that the 7 things that define primates are: the presence of opposable thumbs and feet, fully closed boney eye socket,…
For our second day in the rainforest at Parc Ivoluina, we got a tour and lesson on Agro forestry. We walked all through the park and then out to…
Cinnamon is a non native species introduced into Madagascar. However, the plant grows readily here and many harvest it for the spice. The spice we know of typically comes…
For our second day in the rainforest at Parc Ivoloina, we got a tour and lesson on Agro forestry. We walked all through the park and then out to a…
Madagascar is home to 5% of the world’s species, including over 100 species of lemurs. Although, the country is impoverished which leads to the environment being exploited as the only…
There were 2 main things that surprised me the most the first day we arrived to Madagascar. Firstly, I was surprised at how vast the city was. While the buildings…
On July 13th the group went to the University of Antanarivo for several lectures from prominent individuals. The first lecture was from Joelisoa Ratirarson, PH.D about the protected area systems…
The poverty was striking. As we stepped out of the airport, we were approached by a heartbreakingly cute young boy asking for money who was accompanied by his mother carrying…
Subfossils/Extinction of Giant Species Today, Dr. Jungers taught us about the extinction of multiple species, including giant species of lemurs. The most interesting one to us was the Koala Lemur…