Another post

HELP Madagascar is an NGO and social work organization located in Tamotave and run by a couple – Kim and Colin Radford. They provide several different services not only in education, but also social work. They allow victims of rape to stay for 48 hours and either get guardianship or help the victim find a group home. ASAMA is a program that helps educate illiterate adolescents 12 and older. In order to help the kids, Kim and Colin have to teach them in Malagsy, but the local school system is in French. So, the kids would excel in ASAMA, but then in 6th grade, they would be lost. CEPE is an exam at the end of primary school (5th grade). Recently, HELP Madagascar has reduced the number of kids they’re helping, focusing instead on following up with their “graduates” and helping them get out of poverty and break the bonds of generational poverty. They sponsor graduates to higher learning (high school and even university); those that went through the program or kids who are on track but have no money. In all, they’re helping 500 kids and 24 are in university, which is a big deal. HELP Madagascar gets involved with medical cases – just by offering funding. Their biggest struggle right now is the corruption in the country. The instructors who give the exams will accept bribes and switch the tests of kids. Though they’ve remained a small organization, they make huge differences and are involved with many other associations. (The postcard picture was taken by Colin himself! It’s a Foudia madagascariensis, but unfortunately we never saw one in person)