Isalo is one of Madagascar’s many national parks. We got the opportunity to have a guided tour here and see some of the most beautiful landscapes: canyons, tropical oasis-looking areas, and grasslands that stretched out for what seemed like forever. The flora was amazing. Aloe plants and pachypodium were the coolest ones, to me, that we saw on our hike. The aloe had red and green spiky leaves and the pachypodium looked like mini baobab trees (a tree with a really thick trunk).
There were a few swimming holes and some even had waterfalls. We took advantage of the cool waters here after many hours of hiking in the sun. We also got to see a lone female sifaka even though there were tons of people around. That sort of made it hard to have a natural experience, but we also got to see ringtails all around the river where we ate lunch. The day was tiring, but it was the best day yet.
Published August 3, 2016 by wunderre