Lassen County Courthouse

Lassen County Courthouse

ID: CA1917092101
Name(s) of People Lynched: Holden Dick and Mexican Ben
Number of People Lynched: 2
Race: Not specified
Gender: Male
Lynching Date(s): 1917-09-21
Year Marker Erected: 1994
Erected by: E Clampus Vitus, Never Sweats Chapter, #1863
City: Susanville
County: Lassen
State: California

Marker Text: Lassen County was officially created on April 1, 1864 and three months later Susanville’s founder, Isaac Roop donated this city block for the Lassen County Courthouse. On January 23, 1888 Holden Dick and Mexican Ben were lynched here, marking the last incident of this kind in Lassen County. Dedication ceremonies for the Lassen County Courthouse were held on September 21, 1917 and the jail built in 1911 was condemned in 1971.