ID: AZ1882189201
Name(s) of People Lynched: Not Specified
Number of People Lynched:
Race: Not specified
Gender: Not Specified
Lynching Date(s): 1882-1892
Year Marker Erected: 2008
Erected by: Lost Dutchman 5917+4, E Clampus Vitus and the Pleasant Valley Historical Society
City: Young
County: Gila
State: Arizona
Marker Text: One of the West’s Longest and Bloodiest feuds took place here and around Pleasant Valley. The Grahams and the Tewksburys had been in the cattle business and it seems probable that they first fell out over the division of cattle they jointly owned (some believe stole). “Sheep were introduced into the valley in 1887 and this was an aggravating factor, drawing in cattle and sheep men from Holbrook and Flagstaff. Historians still debate the details of the feud that included brand changing, cattle and horse rustling, ambushes, murder, vigilantes, and lynching.” But it is well known that as many as twenty men lay dead by its conclusion.