Eleven and Madison Streets - Area of Scott Buron’s Lynching

Eleven and Madison Streets – Area of Scott Buron’s Lynching

ID: IL1908081501
Name(s) of People Lynched: Scott Buron
Number of People Lynched: 1
Race: Black
Gender: Male
Lynching Date(s): 1908-08-15
Year Marker Erected: 2018
Erected by: City of Springfield and the NAACP
City: Springfield
County: Sangamon
State: Illinois

Marker Text: On August 15, 1908, at about 2:00 a.m., the mob reached the home of Scott Burton. The fifty-six-year-old black barber tried to escape out a side door of his home but was overtaken and pummeled unconscious by the mob. He was then dragged to Twelfth and Madison Streets and hanged from a dead tree in front of the saloon. The area, known as the Badlands, suffered major damage including the destruction of forty black homes and businesses.