The Hanging Tree

The Hanging Tree

ID: AZ1882082401
Name(s) of People Lynched: L.V. Grime and C.B. Hawley
Number of People Lynched: 2
Race: White
Gender: Male
Lynching Date(s): 1882-08-24
Year Marker Erected:
Erected by: City of Globe, Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Assn., Econ. Dev. Corp., Vigilantes and Paul Damron Funeral Homes, Miles-Damron Chapel
City: Globe
County: Gila
State: Arizona

Marker Text: From a Sycamore near this spot, L.V. Grime and C.B. Hawley were lynched on Aug. 24, 1882 for the hold up – murder of Andrew Hall, Wells Fargo Packer, and Dr. S.T. Vail. The culprits had a fair hearing before JP Allen on Wednesday eve, and at 2 AM Thursday on a clear night they were hanged. Saloons were closed and it was an orderly lynching.