The Lynching of Wiley Gynn

The Lynching of Wiley Gynn

ID: VA1903060501
Name(s) of People Lynched: Wiley Gynn
Number of People Lynched: 1
Race: Black
Gender: Male
Lynching Date(s): 1902-06-05
Year Marker Erected: 2023
Erected by: EJI and Wise County Community Remembrance Project
City: Coeburn
County: Wise
State: Virginia

Marker Text: Near this spot, on June 5, 1902, a white mob lynched a Black man named Wiley Gynn. Mr. Gynn, whose surname was also reported as “Guynn” or “Gwynn”, was a 28-year-old Black husband, father, and boarding house proprietor in Bondtown. Earlier that day, a white girl claimed that she had been assaulted by a Black man near Tom’s Creek. Shortly afterwards, police arrested Mr. Gynn. Rumors about the alleged assault quickly spread throughout Coeburn, and a large mob of armed white men formed. The formation of lynch mobs after allegations of sexual assault were made against Black men often preceded any formal investigation by law enforcement officials. Instead, lynch mobs often seized, tortured, and killed their victims, even without any evidence tying the accused to the offense. Mr. Gynn was transported to the Bondtown Jail where he was met by the angry mob. The mob broke into the jail, seized Mr. Gynn from the officers, and began to march him towards a tree. When Mr. Gynn attempted to flee, the mob “riddled his body with bullets.” There are reports of more than 500 shots being fired into Mr. Gynn before the mob left his mutilated corpse near the railroad tracks for passersby to view. Though the lynching occurred in the presence of the Commonwealth’s Attorney, and involved many community members, there is no record of anyone being held accountable for the lynching of Mr. Gynn.