McDonald’s All-American High School Band Information Kit. |
Author /Arranger:
Call Number:
Lavalle P9 |
Haney, Ray B. “Here’s why one band director says: McDonald’s All-American High School Band: They Do It All For Us!” from The School Musician Director & Teacher. March 1979.
“McDonald’s All-American High School Band Fact Sheet 1979”, Colin/Harris Communications Inc. Buss, Danielle “They Do It All For 102” from Accent the Magazine for Young Musicians. November/December 1978. |
2 photographs; 8″ x 10″, enclosed in plastic sheet 1 journal article (1p.) 1 fact sheet (2 pages) 1 magazine article (1 folded page) |
Link to Photograph – “Paul Lavalle, Director, McDonald’s All-American High School Band.
Link to Photograph– “CAPTION: The versatility of McDonald’s All-American High School Band is reflected in its 17-piece Jazz Ensemble, formed from the ranks of the Band in 1978. The Jazz Ensemble is featured in all Band concert performances.” Link to Article: “Here’s why one band director says…” Link to Article: “They Do it All for 102” Link to McDonald’s All-American High School Band Fact Sheet 1979 All items enclosed in Information Kit folder. |
Additional Name(s):
Patricia Healey – Golin Communications, Inc. 500 North Michigan Ave. Chicago IL 60611 (312) 836-7100 (referenced on captions of both photographs) |
Preservation Copy: