Designing prototypes has proven to be fun and exciting! During our class two weeks ago, we were given the task to prototype with foam poster board. We decided to create the GoPro. Through creating the GoPro, we were able to dissect the different parts of the camera and pay attention more clearly to different parts we would have otherwise overlooked.

From this, we’ve begun designing the prototypes we plan to have at the exhibit for people to view.  One prototype we definitely want to have is the Municipal Building itself. This prototype will be relatively large. We are projecting a few feet high and wide: it will be small enough to sit on our table but it will be large enough to show details. We want to be able to display the four different ages of the building in the model. We need our prototype of the building to be as interesting as we can make it because part of this whole case study is spiking the interest of the public in historical matters. This model will be interactive too so it will be able to engage the audience on the highest level possible.

We plan on using the 3D printer in order to create the model. There shouldn’t be any issues with constructing the model. The only issue we project is the time commitment to creating the model. Having a 3D prototype that will engage the audience will be well worth the effort we put into creating it.


By: Katrina Aducci