Our final presentation design is inspired by interactive learning! The centerpiece will stand 8 feet tall and 4 feet wide. On the rectangle faces, we plan to display statistics, including information on the number of landmines in the ground and the percentages of fatalities caused by them. It will also have an image of Syria’s landscape on the tabletop and the ground. Guests will then begin to search for a mock landmine on the ground with sticks that will cause an acrylic silhouette on the table top to glow once it is triggered, simulating a detonation.

Interactive centerpiece to scale that our team and the detection team will use to display base information about landmines and Syria.
We are collaborating with the landmine detection team on our display. Beyond the interactive centerpiece, both teams will have their own columns to display their separate work. These will stand 7 feet tall and about 3 feet wide. These columns will all have a similar design to the centerpiece. There will be shelves within the structure to place the drone and any other display items. We will then cover other areas with foamcore to display infographics. Each face of the column will cover a different topic such as statistics, design, and images.
Challenges we foresee in the design include the decision to implement the CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine, which converts a design into numbers, or make the cuts using hand tools. No one on the team is experienced in using this technology and there is little room for error due to the size and amount of materials. However, we have full intentions to make our design a reality and that is exactly what we will do!
By Premal Patel, Urvi Patel, Everett Pitts, Alexa Senio, and Jeffrey Small