Until we created a timeline of what we had left to do, we didn’t realize how much we had already accomplished. The trending notes we had when brainstormed what we have left to do included “building,” “prototyping,” “branding,” “preparation,” and “happy.”

Fixing the UAV props in the lab

We have already made necessary changes to the UAV so it is working properly and able to fly. We also know where we will be placing the GoPro, we just have to make sure that it will be stable on the UAV. Otherwise, the UAV is complete and ready to fly. Along with creating a working UAV, we need to create the model Municipal Building so we can practice using photogrammetry until we get clearance from the FAA (Federal Aviation Association) to fly the UAV in public and around the Municipal Building. We need to mount our GoPro and have it set to take the photos while flying. Along with taking the photos, the GoPro has to take them in a specific order so they can be lined up and used to create our 3D model.

The team gathering supplies to fix the UAV

We are continuing the process of building our timeline of everything we have accomplished this semester along with keeping up-to-date on pictures and videos for a final post. We plan on also on having a clear preparation for the exhibition in December including table set up, run through of speech, any questions that may be asked during our presentation or afterwards, etc. We want to make sure we are prepared for the world.

Lastly, we’ve covered the happy aspect well throughout the semester. As we continue to get closer to the exhibition, we are becoming more and more exciting and happy for the final product of our UAV.


By: Katrina Aducci