Our goals to date have been met. Over the semester so far, we have really put our focus into three aspects: identifying our problem/goal, creating a plan to get there, and collaborating from three very different disciplines. We have met these goals.

We have identified our problem and goal, as explained in the previous posts. The Downtown Harrisonburg Municipal Building’s history is underexposed and underappreciated. We are working with Dr. David Ehrenpreis to create and launch a UAV that will use photogrammetry. Through the method of photogrammetry (explained in previous post), we will produce interactive tools that will spike the public’s historical interest. We have identified the materials we will need to create the UAV and are at a point where we are ready to start building the prototype.

Looking at our group dynamics from an outside view, we realize how well we’ve come together and meshed as a team. With two members from Industrial Design, two members from Physics, and one member from Writing, Rhetoric and Technical Communication, anyone would think we’d have a hard time communicating, understanding, and working together. However we all recognize that what each of us brings to the table is different but useful. We all work to understand each other as well and whenever one of our team members doesn’t understand something happening, we are able to take a step back, discuss what is misunderstood and then continue to move forward. With this being said, we are ready and excited for the next step: building our prototype!

Measuring the thrust of the props

By: Katrina Aducci