WE ARE PASSION OF THE EHRENPREIS: (Left to Right): Isabel, Industrial Design. Phillip, Industrial Design. Katrina, WRTC. Galen, Physics and Math. Zach, Physics.

With our UAV, we plan to do a case study analyzing the Municipal Building downtown. Using photogrammetry, we can take a series of photographs and then translate them into a 3D digital or physical models. We are hoping through this process to create something that will increase our target markets interest in the historical aspects of downtown Harrisonburg. Different interactive tools we would be able to create with the UAV using photogrammetry include 3D models for a hands-on and virtual tours. These tools would help promote and increase public awareness of the historical beauty of these buildings.

So why the Municipal Building? We decided with Dr. David Ehrenpreis, an Art History professor at JMU, to focus on this building because of the historical events that have taken place in this building. It started off as an academy in 1876  before being turned into hospital during the Civil War. It later became a high school and in 1908 it was turned what is now the Municipal Building. Currently, there are four different time periods visible within the one structure, this is something that is very rare in most historical buildings.

The history behind the building starts with Charles Robinson. Charles is a historically known architect who has designed hundreds of buildings.  His full story, works he’s done, and impact he’s made can be found at http://www.charlesmrobinson.com/history.html

We are hoping to create a UAV that will help Dr. Ehrenpreis expose the raw beauty of the Municipal Building to the public and increase awareness of historical landmarks in Harrisonburg.



By: Katrina Aducci