Hey guys my name is Jacob. I am PPA major taking this class because I need a lab credit and thought 3d printing would be cool. I don’t think Ill be very good at it, but we’ll see.
Grab Bag Noun: Crown
I randomly chose crown. When preparing to print. I used all default setting and UM2 RacerX setting like we did in class. I found the crown pretty difficult to design, and I struggled for about 30 minutes trying to get something that even remotely resembled one. It messed up once because I did not add support and it came apart. The final try took 30 minutes and was a success, though it was not the best looking.
20 Objects:
- my original crown- this was hard to make look right
- star- stock star but i made it larger
- Ring- basic ring
- House- house made with two base pieces
- Guy holding ice cream- this one looks funny
- My name-yep
- Egg wearing classes-this one also looks funny
- lamp on a table- basic, nice looking
- Space ship- I was trying to make it look like a ufo
- Egg with legs- hilarious, no face, just an egg with legs
- plant on a table- simple to make
- Mr Rabbit- rabbit with ears and a mustache
- Red Cartoon Tree- my best attempt at a tree
- Mushroom- looks like something you can find in your yard
- Diamond Ring- diamond on the ring base
- Geo Rock- i adjusted one of the stock items to looks textured
- Screw- two screw pieces, used a half cylinder and star for the locking area
- stretched pen spring- took a spring, stretched it out
- That was easy button- put “that was easy” on an item that looks like a button
- Drill bit- straight cylinder with a drill cone on the top.
Build 1 of 20: Screw
Moving Parts: Game Spinner
Tinkercad Final Project
This is the first update of my progress on a large windmill. It is going to take a few attempts to get it to fit together but once it does it should fit with ease and spin. I may need to make some adjustments to it so it will stand, etc.
I decided I would make a model plane instead of the windmill. I re created a plane to the best of my ability to look like an early jet prototype I saw on google. It has 3 jet engines. 2 on the wings and one in the back. I had trouble keeping the wings from breaking as they were very thin and fragile. The more support I used, the harder it was to bring the plane out in one piece because a wing would always break off. I eventually got just enough support and thickness on the wings to keep it in one piece.
2/5 failures
Final Piece
My final silly serious object was a goblin with a crown(thingiverse) riding on a surfboard I made in tinkerkad. I only had to print it one time, as well as reducing the faces of the crown and the goblin to below 300,000 because they would not transfer correctly if I didn’t. It came out nicely. I struggled for about 45 minutes trying to get the support off. I got it off right, but then dropped him on the floor and his legs snapped off of the board.
This is my ring. My modification was champfering the insides so it would slide on and off easier and not dig into the skin. I also put it in mesh-maker and gave it some texture.
FUSION 360 20 Objects:
- Desert Plateau
- Screw
- Tower
- Interlocking rings
- Acute triangle
- right triangle
- failed fire wood hole
- my name
- sloped garage
- smaller tower
- sphere
- curl
- hammer
- wedding cake
- small building with smoke stack
- large 3 story building
- hallowed square
- rounded ring
- cylinder
- round edge coin