OpenSCAD Chaos Loop

I found this assignment to be really fun! I have some experience coding, and so it was very interesting learning what functions were able to be executed with this program. In order to learn some of the program’s capabilities, I looked back at the tutorial set up by the JMU student. I copied his loop into new page and started playing around. I started at the top and went down, changing each of the codes in order to understand how the different functions worked (rotate, union, translate, ect.). Then, I started changing the type of shape, from cube to sphere to cylinder, and so on. I used the OpenSCAD guide in order to find the code for these things.

Next, I decided to make my own loop, so I started with the, for (i = [0:0]) {
rotate([0,0,0 * i]) { }} in order to start my loop, and adjusted it adding 8 to the loop, and 40 on the z axis to the rotate function. I then added a union function to combine the shapes and a translate([2,2,2]) to create a uniform shape. I then created a polyhedron using the OpenSCAD guide and mirrored the polyhedron on the z axis in order to mirror the shape on the top to the bottom (so it looked like a cut diamond shape).

I am not sure if my design is unprintable, or how I would know if it is unprintable, but it was very fun to make, and I think it is very pretty!


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