These are my four final projects for the four programs we used this semester, as well as one of the for-loops I created in OpenScad. In Tinkercad, I made my dads boat with some fishing rods and other details, and it printed successfully. In Fusion, I tried to make the same thing, but it came out a little differently. I was proud I at least got the shape of it accurately. In Openscad, I made a birdhouse which I had some trouble with making it render successfully, but the design is there. For the final final, I used tinkercad because I feel most confident in that program, and made a replica of my house. Tinkercad was definitely my favorite program, but I also liked openscad once I got the hang of the coding. I especially liked playing with the coding once I made a for loop to see what I could change it to, hence one of the designs I am proud of is this flower-looking objects. Fusion was my least favorite, I found it the most difficult to figure out how to make it do what you want. As for printing, it took a few trial and error to get the printer to work and print more difficult shapes, but the more I used it the more it made sense. I liked printing and bummed we couldn’t print more designs this semester, but glad we got to print some of the cool things we made in Tinkercad since I was less successful in the other programs. I learned a lot in this course despite its switch over from a printing class to a design class, and glad I chose to take it!