Class Challenge: Costume

For this class challenge, we were tasked with looking at the various 3D printing challenges on Thingiverse and create something that would fit in that challenge category. The category I chose was costume, and I figured out the perfect object to 3D print: a lightsaber.

Since I already recreated Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber for my Fusion 360 20 Objects, I can apply the skills I learned from creating that into this lightsaber. For this challenge, I decided to recreate Cal Kestis’ lightsaber from the video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.

The basic process to recreate this lightsaber is very similar to how I remade Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber: load the canvas into Fusion, make a sketch of half the canvas, revolve the sketch, and make any other changes needed. After revolving the hilt, this was the result:

To create the guard, I split those off into their own sketch entity and partially revolved them. Lastly, I cleaned it up using the offset faces tool.

I could consider this done right here, but the artwork shows a texture on the handle. Since there is no easy way to do this in Fusion, I exported the file and imported into Meshmixer. After a little bit of sculpting, I ended up with a textured handle that’s a little different than the original:

Instead of a uniform texture like the original artwork, I made it look more bumpy to give it a worn and very used look. If it were possible to print, this would be my final product.


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