Tinkercad Final Project- Lucy Medley

Giza Plateau

For my final Tinkercad project I decided to create a map of the geography and features of the Great Pyramids and the larger Giza complex. This is something I have studying in both archeology and art history classes so it was nice to be able to use more creative means on a subject I am so interested in. This was made with two main shapes; pyramids and squiggles. The squiggles I sort of manipulated into making the shape of the base, causeways, and other features seen in detail. To the best of my ability, the work is to scale and shows the most prominent or still-standing features that exist to this day. I plan to print this work on the Lulzbot (for the transparent yellow filament) and will update it further as that print is completed.

Here is a print of the plateau which took about 3 hours to complete. The detail of the causeways, temples, and other features aren’t as prominent or as neat as I would like. I’m not sure if this is due to the speed of the print, height of the features, or something that could be solved on a larger scale. Overall, I am pleased with this initial print which is about 3×3″ though I would like to develop this project more.

For my final print, I blew the design up as large as the Lulzbot would allow. It is now more than twice the size of my first print. The base is 1/4in thick which provides a solid foundation that can easily be picked up and viewed in detail. Additionally, I increased the height of the smaller details as the first print failed to recognize some of them and they mostly turned out as melted globs of filament. I am very pleased with this final print in size and quality.


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