Tinkercad Final Project

Final Tinkercad Project


For my final project, I decided to make a nutcracker with a movable jaw that will be controlled with a lever that goes through the head.  I’ve created the body for the nutcracker so far but I haven’t started on the actual head and jaw yet, as that is the most difficult element of the nutcracker.


I was struggling with creating a head with enough detail to be considered an actual nutcracker, but after participating in the in class challenge I realized that I could go to Thingiverse and find a nutcracker, then cut off the head and scale and attach it to my build, making sure to include a whole for the movable mouth piece.  I put a wedge to act as a fulcrum within the mouth area, and printed a rectangle with a half circle to act as a mouth and a whole to fit within the fulcrum and allow for movement up and down, thus completing the actual purpose of the print.  The actual print was successful on the first try, though I had to print the nutcracker out sideways and peeling off support was more difficult for this than for any of my other builds.  The movable mouth piece failed to fit perfectly the first time so I remade it and scaled it a little smaller than the first one, as can be seen in the final print by the alternate color.


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