Silly/Serious Class Challenge

Silly/Serious Class Challenge – Old C3PO

Allyson Wagner and Micheal Ince

For this class challenge, we decided to create a serious c3po that was silly because he was old. We took a c3po design from Thinyverse and used Meshlab to decrease the sides in order to make it suitable for Tinkercad. We originally tried to place the Thingyverse file directly into Tinkercad, but it would not save so we reverted to using Meshlab. In order to make our serious object silly, we grabbed a top hat design from Thingyverse and inserted it into our Tinkercad design, on top of the c3po. We also created a beard and cane in Thingyverse and added that to our c3po, in order to make him look old.

Printing this object was tricky, as the printers were not printing right, but eventually we were able to print the entire c3po. The last challenge for this project, was removing all of the supports. There were supports surrounding the entire object and because the object had lots of details, we had to remove the supports carefully.


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