Michael Smith Portfolio


I’m Michael and a Sophmore here at JMU. I’m a Geographic Science major. I like going on long drives and playing guitar in my free time. I also want to travel out of college and I’m not sure where I’m going to get the money for that but I hope I can figure something out.


My grab bag noun was a flower. I made a sunflower in Tinkercad. I used the half-sphere shape for the center of the flower and its pedals. I kept the center relatively the same shape but re-sized it and for the pedals, I just made them longer.


-Dr. Doofenshmirtz Tower






-Diamond Ring


-Subaru Logo




-Roman Aquaduct

-Ice Cream cone with TWO scoops


-Radiohead Bear


-Pill Bottle

-Pixel Sword



For my moving parts print I wanted to make something that I could use for my guitar. So I built a string winder. I built a small scale first and will build a large scale in the future. I used the cylinder shape to cut a hole in the center of a larger cylinder. Then I built the pin that goes inside of the first cylinder to lock the moving part inside. The print was three pieces in total.



For my Tinkercad final, I wanted to make a steering knob for my car. I started by modeling the part that goes around my steering wheel first. I made it out of a cylinder shape with the middle of it taken out to make room for my steering wheel. I then put on two rectangles and put two holes through it to have space for the locking mechanism. The locking mechanism is made from two differently shaped cylinders. On top of it is my attempt to make a joint for the knob part. I needed these two pieces to fit together nicely and securely but after 3 separate prints, I couldn’t get it to stay on how I wanted. I think the joint would’ve worked better if the female part of the joint hadn’t worn off a bit from use. I tried to carve a little deeper into the female joint but I couldn’t get it to work. I think the hardest part about this project was getting the measurements down so everything could fit nicely and securely.



For my 20 objects, I didn’t really make anything specific because I couldn’t get a firm grasp on the program. Instead, I just made things that helped me learn. I’m still a long way from being proficient but every little bit helps.


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