Jack Olcott

Hello! My name is Jack Olcott. I am a Junior Hospitality Major with a Business Minor. In my free time, I like to play guitar, and write music.



This is a dog I printed; He’s a good boy!



This design/object are a variety of bands that I like, and some shapes I thought that looked cool along with the names of the artists.

My Objects are:

  1. Christmas Tree
  2.  Stick Figure
  3. Glasses
  4. House
  5. Chicken
  6. Margarita Mixer
  7. Love Letter
  8. Bug Robot Man
  9. Cross
  10. Dice
  11. Civic Duty (the name of my rock band)
  12. Chicken Foot attached to a ball n chain
  13. A Waving Hand
  14. Peperoni Pizza Slice
  15. Chocolate Chip Cookie
  16. Car with a mustache
  17. Engagement Ring
  18. Cherry Lolly Pop
  19. Snowman
  20. Plane


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