Hello! My name is Jack Olcott. I am a Junior Hospitality Major with a Business Minor. In my free time, I like to play guitar, and write music.
This is a dog I printed; He’s a good boy!
This design/object are a variety of bands that I like, and some shapes I thought that looked cool along with the names of the artists.
My Objects are:
- Christmas Tree
- Stick Figure
- Glasses
- House
- Chicken
- Margarita Mixer
- Love Letter
- Bug Robot Man
- Cross
- Dice
- Civic Duty (the name of my rock band)
- Chicken Foot attached to a ball n chain
- A Waving Hand
- Peperoni Pizza Slice
- Chocolate Chip Cookie
- Car with a mustache
- Engagement Ring
- Cherry Lolly Pop
- Snowman
- Plane