Brian Shrestha Portfolio


I’m a junior in CIS, I love technology stuff, my favorite football team is the patriots, and I work to help fund my excessive spending habits.

Grab Bag Noun

My grab bag noun was a car. I found it difficult to mold the shapes into my ideal shape for the design so it ended up looking like a 5 year olds drawing of a car. Another issue I had was the base of the 3d print kept tangling as there wasn’t enough of it touching the ground (just the wheels were) so I had to turn on the reinforcements to print correctly.

20 Objects

  1. Wrench
  2. Name Plate
  3. Sun or HIV Virus
  4. Dice
  5. Chair
  6. Rocket
  7. Wind Turbine
  8. Alarm Clock
  9. Ramen Bowl with Chopsticks
  10. Glasses
  11. House
  12. Star cookie cutter
  13. Jewel Ring
  14. Screw
  15. Milkshake
  16. Saturn
  17. Pencil
  18. Washington Monument
  19. Tree
  20. Car

One of 20: Ramen Bowl

I was trying to make the chopsticks built into the bowl but I guess I didn’t lower it enough for it to mold with it. It wasn’t perfect either as there were a lot of printer strands, probably because it was so small and the chopsticks were floating without support. I think it came out fine considering it all because the chopsticks are noticeable and the printer strands looks like noodles.

Moving Object

I made the finish line of Mario. It’s a socket joint and a hollowed out a cylinder to imitate the green tube in the game and a flag through it. It was supposed to move left and right but it isn’t as smooth and the flag comes out so it’s not in one piece which is disappointing.


Silly/Serious Class Challenge

Took a trophy and olaf from frozen and put it together. My addition to it was his famous line “I’ve been impaled”. Came out a lot cleaner than expected without any supports, only problem was that the ‘I’v’ in ‘I’ve’ didn’t print all the way through.

Tinkercad Final Project: Box Monster

For my final project I want to create a face with depth and movable arms, the arms are gonna be the tricky part of this project as I want it to move 360 degrees but need to incorporate it into the side of the face. I tried to create fists and his head is made of bricks to add some texture and design to the structure. I still felt like it wasn’t challenging enough so I added wings….the first of many mistakes as it was harder than I thought.

Challenge #1: Incorporating the joint piece into the cube was harder than I thought. every time I tried to make a hole the entire mid-section of the cylinder joint would disappear.

Challenge #2: The wings were hard to create. It involved skewing cylinders and piecing them together to make the shape, was tedious.

Challenge #3: The print came out really well and on the first try too. The wings look sloppy but that’s probably because I did high speed print. But the biggest problem is now that the support of the structure in the joint won’t come out.

Fusion 360 Ring

Ring came out okay with different holes and textures. The bottom adhesion was difficult to remove though and didn’t come out cleanly.

Fusion 20 Objects

Fusion360 was a definite struggle for me. I just couldn’t wrap my head around the different features that did so much yet made it so difficult to make simple objects with limited knowledge. The pencil I created and printed out was a pretty basic thing thing yet took me so long to understand how to make a pyramid as the tip. I’m glad to say that it did get easier as I was going through the objects though as I started understanding what different features did. The wrench printed out okay though as I don’t like how its a crescent instead of a real wrench with indents.

Fusion360 Final Project (Draft)- Cat

For my fusion360 project I was recommended by a friend to create the cat from Sailor Moon. I thought the objects that created a cat was geometrically easy enough to create in fusion while difficult enough for my lack of skills in the software. I think the hardest part about it is going to be the face as it has the most objects and is the most recognizable feature. I found fusion was a lot easier than tinkercad in spacing things out due to the very versatile copy/move features in it. This helps greatly in creating an object like this.


For Loop OpenScad

The new application is hard to use. A lot of it was from the coding tutorial but I tried to understand it on the way. It’s still very difficult though but I can see how it can be useful to design precise objects.

20 Random Object OpenScad

These were a lot harder to do than I thought. A lot of it is the most basic things but took me a while to complete. OpenScad is not my thing.



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