Faculty Profiles
Kevin Giovanetti
Dr. Giovanetti is a professor in the dept. of Physics at JMU. He has been conducting research in Particle and Nuclear physics for over 20 years and is currently actively participating in experiments at Jefferson lab and Fermi lab. Recently his interest in robotics have prompted him to join other faculty in developing a broad spectrum of courses related to the fast developing field of robotics.
Dymtro Babik
Assistant Professor, Computer Information Systems & Business Analytics
Fred Briggs
Fred Briggs is a successful technology entrepreneur who has run multiple startups. Fred has always had a passion for aviation and over the years he has flown hang gliders, ultralights and he holds a private pilot’s license. His passion for aviation and technology collided with the drone industry which is where he is currently working to develop new technologies.
Patrice Ludwig
Patrice Ludwig’s formal training is in conservation and population ecology from James Madison University and the University of Virginia, but she regularly ventures into concepts that are tangentially related, such as using artificial substrates to restore oyster reefs in the Chesapeake Bay. Patrice focuses much of her teaching on facilitating student development of critical and creative thinking by designing opportunities for students to work in teams both within and across disciplines. She is a self-described educational entrepreneur and “door-opener”. When she isn’t juggling projects, she is juggling 3 daughters and her husband.
Audrey Barnes
Audrey Barnes is a designer, educator, maker and instigator. She is Assistant Professor and Area Head of Industrial Design (ID) at JMU. Audrey teaches students to tackle complex problems by seeking inspiration in unexpected places, collaborating with diverse partners and taking risks.
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