Climbing Wall, 2018

24 x 66 inches


photo credit: Robin L. Haller.


As a fiber artist, I focus on the use of color and design in the creation of woven textiles and mixed media stitched pieces. I am interested in a lot of things, but color is my primary focus. My designs are inspired by my environment, and I often take photographs to capture images that later show up in my artworks as pixelated color, pattern, and texture. I live by the principle of take what you want, and throw the rest away. It is important to continue to learn new things; whether or not it feeds my process, it keeps the mind going. When people ask me “How did you know you were a weaver?”, my answer is ““I didn’t, I  just never quit.“



Professor Emeritus,

UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, NC

Edwina Bringle has enjoyed being a studio artist and living in the Penland community near Spruce Pine, moving there after 24 years of teaching at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. In 1964, she was introduced to weaving while in a class at the Penland School of Craft. Later, she became aresident artist and first taught there in 1969. Bringle’s work is in the collections at the North Carolina Museum of History, Greenville County Museumof Art in South Carolina, Gregg Museum of Art in Raleigh, the Mint Museum of Art in Charlotte, and in numerous private collections.