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There are few topics we are conditioned to avoid discussing in “polite company”, the most controversial of which is politics. In fall 2020, our nation experienced a divisive and contentious presidential election, exacerbating polarizing views and disputes. We found our country becoming more divided every day, leading to arguments, debates, and challenging conversations between family members, friends, co-workers, peers, and even strangers. I personally found discussions regarding the current political climate to be unpredictable and infuriating. However, I was motivated to see how we might encourage productive talk even across differences.

The campus-wide “Purple” discussions offered me an opportunity to facilitate a brave space for students to voice their opinions and explore the perspectives of their peers regarding the Presidential election. The goal of these discussions was to help JMU students explore how we could move forward as one campus, regardless of our political affiliations, after the outcome of the election. As a facilitator for this event, I was nervous. I was nervous that participants within the group would be rude to others or initiate hostile debates rather than discussions. This was not what happened. Instead, I was impressed that the students who participated showed respect, patience, and a genuine desire to understand others. Those who participated were incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to express their personal thoughts and opinions in an environment where they felt they could speak freely and could learn from others, without fear of retaliation or of being judged.

As I reflect on the discussions, I am proud to be a part of a community where we strive to treat others with respect regardless of our differences in opinions. I am thankful that after an election that pushed individuals apart that the JMU community is still able to move forward as one campus, a campus where hues of red and blue blend into our beloved JMU Purple.

Check out this Breeze article about our facilitated discussions.