Minimum viable product presentations
First iteration Presentation
MVP Presentation
The Problem
Currently, healthcare supervisors are responsible for several documents that contain detailed checklists that pertain to each medial procedure that the soldier they are proctoring is performing. Once the checklists are filled out, they are uploaded to the soldier’s records and updated so that individual is free to progress onward. However, there are many inconvenient obstacles along the way. Since not everyone has access to the record databases, a proctor may have to hand off the checklist to other personnel who have the permissions to upload the data. There are also two platforms that data is transmitted on, military and civilian. The typical complications arise with update delays, missing/forgotten documents, and worst of all, halting the soldier’s progression. The delays in a soldier’s progression then lead to suspended deployments and extreme frustration.
The Solution
Our team’s minimum viable product is one that will streamline the described problem above. Our concept would ideally have to transmit data directly into DTMS (Defense Training Management System). The healthcare supervisor would now be able to checkoff medics in training in real time and have it instantly uploaded and updated upon completion. This concept benefits the soldiers in the ways of cutting time and hopefully preventing delays due to miscommunication. Likewise, it benefits the supervisors and Fort Bragg by increasing their personnel’s availability to complete valuable tasks rather then spending time entering data. At the current stage in our solution, the focus has been feasibility to ensure it is possible for information to move into DTMS.