Trees in the EFG are planted in rows along the contours. The space between tree centers is approximately 12 feet, half of which is mowed grass pathways. This design leaves 3 feet on each side of the contour for mulch and companion plants (+ additional space along the row). Within each tree row, trees are planted approximately 10-12 feet from its neighbor. This planting distance is relatively small, particularly for apples and honey locusts, but their canopy and root spread will be limited through training and pruning. Further, most of the fruit trees are dwarf or semi-dwarf varieties, and are therefore inherently smaller in stature.
Mulch and soil amendments are added to each row of trees. To minimize competition for resources and water, companion plants will be phased into the site starting in Spring 2022 (Phase 2). Trees are planted using the ISA’s (International Society of Arboriculture) “best management practices” for planting trees on sloped land, which involves establishing small round-topped soil berms for each tree location.