by pippertl | May 25, 2023 | Tassie, Uncategorized |
I never thought about making homemade mozzarella before this trip to Italy! Before I left, I made sure to grab some rennet and citric acid just in case I was not able to find what I needed here. I had seen mozzarella curds in places where you could buy the curds and...
by Samuel Blackwell | May 24, 2023 | Sam Blackwell, Student Blog, Uncategorized |
The experience that surprised me the most was going to Alimentario Uffizi. That is where I got the cheese and meat plate. It is a quaint shop that has been family run for three generations. They cure all the meats locally and source their meat directly from their...
by pippertl | May 15, 2023 | Tassie, Uncategorized |
I arrived on Saturday morning to an overcast day. That didn’t matter at all. The countryside was beautiful, and the sounds and smells are everything I remember. First stop, Conad, the local grocery chain. I picked up some essentials including coffee, ...