by upretymx | Jun 14, 2023 | Manasi Uprety, Student Blog |
Ciao!! Week four was filled with lots of good food from our trip to Naples, Croatia, and discovering new places in Florence. This week, I branched out with Mexican, Croatian, and more American food. One of my favorite meals I had in Croatia was the chicken and their...
by barne8ja | Jun 14, 2023 | Jillian Barnett, Student Blog |
After our field trip to Naples I noticed that there is fried food everywhere whereas in Florence it’s not like that. Naples has more food trucks and windows that you can walk up to and order to-go. Even at the restaurant we went to in Pompeii they served us...
by oberleef | Jun 14, 2023 | Eliza Oberle, Student Blog |
In Naples, I tried a cannoli, gnocchi, and the meal provided before our Pompeii excursion. The class meal was surprisingly tasty. I liked the fried pumpkin and ricotta, which I never would have ordered on my own. The bread from Naples was much softer than the bread in...
by moore9ca | Jun 14, 2023 | Carol-Ann Moore, Student Blog |
The foods I experienced in Naples were different from foods I have in Florence. For example, I tried cuoppo while I was in Naples and the pizza there. While I did like the cuoppo, I was not fond of the pizza. I really enjoy pizza in Florence and find there to be more...
by hoguess | Jun 14, 2023 | Sofie Hogue |
Unfortunately, I did not get a chance to eat in Naples. I only had time to grab a drink and apperitivo before our first two hour tour! The only similar “food” that I got in Florence was a limoncello spritz. It was very good and made by Enzo, a nice older...
by straubrq | Jun 12, 2023 | Ryan Straub, Student Blog |
What foods have you had that took you out of your comfort zone? – Some foods out of my comfort zones are trying new types of fish and vegetables because Italy has their different types of foods compared to America. What foods in Italy have been your favorites?...