What did you see that intrigued you?

While walking throughout Mercato Central, I was intrigued by the variety of similar foods such as the same item in different shapes, sizes, and colors. there were many different types of pasta that I don’t see in a typical everyday grocery store.

How did the market differ from the street vendors and how were they the same?

in the market, there was a lot more meat and less produce. additionally, there was a lot more farm food that I don’t often see such as rabbit. Most street vendors so have noticed contain more local fruits and veggies.

What was the most unique thing you saw?

the most unique things i saw were a whole, dead and skinned rabbit, and an entire dead chicken, including the head and fur. I was really shocked to see this especially since It was one of the first things I saw when I entered. It made me feel uncomfortable to see and know that people purchase it whole.

Tell me your opinions about all you experienced. Why is this visit to the market important for this class?

this is an important visit as it exposes us to differences among farmers in different countries. It is also important to see the variety of foods offered in Italy since we mostly only see the same types of pastas and pizzas.